in one world different stories of demons exists
there are this kind of demons called dokkebi
neither bad nor good
they love to drink
eager to love and to be loved
they love humor and pranks
and challenging humans they love so much
curious about them so
imitating them
and wants to communicate with them
so that is why in normal soiety the demon got a bad reputition.
the lovers doesnt like
getting their lovers away
when demons drink they get crazy and loud
they dont like some outsider imitating them
they just dont feel to play games with them
demons creating 1kg drawings
demons creating squares
so many squares
many squares in a row.
squares inside people
oh look !
now it tries to put the fruit with its bulky hands very carefully
turning 45degrees left
a litte bit
pointing to a certain location
ah, it failed
the fruits drop down, its raining fruit in the corner of squares
square squares
Too many squares.
The world is divided and
places are made
observing people in their daily life,
demons finds treasure in human daily life
creating souvenirs of it and
trying to be like them
trying to communicate with them
trying to say that we are different but same
Demon was interested in matsuri, because they love human and games.
So one of demon see the future of matsuri, it recognized that the matsuri will do without viewers.
, as they can use the empty place for their festival.
Normally, human use the place for their own, but finally demons get the place where they can use good place for they can make loud and rampage that feel with human traces.
It seems that the demon has hidden his work. Is it very important? Is it alcohol or some kind of plan to capture the hearts of people? Or is it a treasure that we don't know about yet?
touch touch
touch the object
touch touch touch
in this story the demon is created like this
but no one dares to touch and use the object
the demons vanish
the atmosphere vanish
the space
the place
we dont believe in demons anymore